
The Patient's Caregivers and Consent document is not a medical POA. That is a separate issue when the patient becomes incapacitated and needs someone else to make decisions for him/her. This document is meant for patients with the capacity to make decisions. The letter is a "Cover Letter" to the CEO, not a document. When you mail this document out you send both the "Cover Letter" and the C&C document and send it both ways courier and certified mail for the cover letter and the document which lists your current wishes. (In many cases we have seen it is the goal of the hospitals to get the patient incapacitated and unable to make decisions so that the hospital can make all of the medical decisions for the patient. As long as the MPOA is locked out of the patients room, the MPOA will be unaware of anything going on with the patient and will have no recourse under the CARES and PREP Acts if diagnosed with Covid)

The C&C cannot be sent to a hospital ahead of time because when this is used for an emergency you will not know where or when the emergency will happen (you could be in another state, on vacation, visiting family, etc.) You can use this ahead of time if you are having a scheduled procedure and know exactly where and when.

The document can be changed/revoked by the patient in writing with witnesses only to keep doctors or nurses from changing it on their own and saying you changed it.

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First let me thank you for all your had work, you are truly an angel. I am legal guardian for my handicapped brother I have to make decisions for him so what forms do I need to have?

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So, if my husband is having surgery on Friday, do we still mail it certified to the CEO on the day of the surgery?

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I'm confused about the difference between using the documents for a scheduled hospital admittance or even because one finds oneself sick enough to be hospitalized from an emergency. Does this differ from the protocol for an emergency. If someone is in a car accident, how is care administered (blood, medicine, etc.) for immediate, life-saving measures? If the notarized documents are on the person's effects, would this prevent the patient from being given blood for saving his/her life. It would seem hard to find a proper blood donor in times of emergency and my understanding is that donated blood is not identified as vax or not. Is there a best practices procedure for the patient and family if one finds themselves in such an emergency?

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Please clarify: 1) When you're sending out (or someone is sending out on your behalf) your Caregivers & Consent (C&C) letter & document. Do you ONLY mail/courier 2 docs- the LETTER and the C&C document (and NOT attach the AHCD (Adv Health Care Dir)/MPOA (Med Pwr Attny)?

2) When acting as a patient's MPOA, do you mail/courier ALL 3 documents- your MPOA LETTER attached to the C&C and the AHCD/MPOA ?

3) If you need to request an Ethics Committee review, do you ONLY mail out 2 documents- the Ethics LETTER and attach it to the AHCD/MPOA (and NOT send the C&C)?

We are dealing with 3 documents- 1) Letter, 2) C&C, 3) AHCD/MPOA. Please clarify if item No. 2 above is the only time we would send out all 3 documents, and only 2 docs for No. 1 and No. 3?

My insurer/hospital encourages me to provide to them my AHCD ahead of time so they can scan it into their system and apparently into my medical record. Do you recommend this (but I would NOT provide the C&C doc ahead of time/until hospital admission), or is it best to wait and provide my AHCD document only when needed/upon admission?

Finally, my AHCD refers to and allows me to add an "Exhibit" document that can be fluid- one that I can change if needed as circumstances change while still keeping the AHCD intact as the backbone. So I have annotated my C&C as the "Exhibit". With that stated, would I then still follow the above protocol of what to send?

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I just do not know how completing the caregivers and consent form far in advance would be useful at a later date. Has this ever been a problem? Could the hospital refuse it saying the form is not current enough to provide adequate care for a patient as the information provided does not relate to today's issues? I appreciate all the work you have done in providing the Newsletter and giving everyone access to this help for the best care possible. But, we can not predict when we will be sick or have an accident or what types of care we will need. Would the hospital rise to the occasion on this and refuse the patient directives as an out-of-date form they could argue has nothing to do with the current health situation of the patient? I do not know if this could be a problem or not, but knowing hospitals and other businesses they usually have updated information concerning current laws and how to best manipulate them for their own good. It would seem that a current date of admittance in the hospital would be the most effective and have the best outcomes. This would be the best scenario for the use of a mobile notary, as well as relatives and friends to help with the delivery of the form as stated in the instructions. Please note, this question is for the benefit of everyone to get the best of results while being a patient in the hospital, clinic, etc. without problems with anyone complaining information is outdated for current hea;th issues.

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