Jan 12Liked by Greta Crawford

Prayers for your daughter. Bravo Mom for being an excellent patient advocate!!

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Jan 12Liked by Greta Crawford

Great, thank you for going into this kind of detail! Prayers for your daughter’s complete healing!🙏🏼🤍

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Jan 12Liked by Greta Crawford

Great information! I hope your daughter is doing better now!! 🙏🏻

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Jan 25Liked by Greta Crawford

You go girl! What an example and a champion you are for yourself and others. Bravo!

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Great information and top-level parenting. Side note: sadly, I know many parents whose children have had seizures. Just based on anecdotal observation: the one parent who rejected MD recommendations and used natural modes of treatment, their child virtually stopped having seizures (or mild/rare). All the parents who listened to the MD: the seizures never went away.

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Hello from the UK. Many thanks for your post. Help! is all I can say. I am not surprised. A hospital is the last place I would want to go now, it is abuse all the way, treating people as guinea pigs.

I see levetiracetam and Clobazam are both neuro-toxic, the nitrogen in the chemistry of both and chlorine in Clobazam are give aways to toxicity. From my WordPress site.


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Thank you for this information. Some of these things I'd never have known I have the right to refuse. Being hospitalized as a child in a "teaching" hospital was an experience no one should have to endure. They paraded half a dozen students into the room to gawk at me like a thing rather than a human being so it's especially good to know we don't have to consent to being their lab rats in exchange for treatment when necessary. All the best to you and your daughter.

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This is awesome, valuable information. Thank you so much for sharing and demonstrating how we should proceed in these situations. The system takes advantage of patients and families at a time when they expect that stress and urgency will prevent us from reading the small print but we must do it. I pray your daughter will recover fully and remain healthy.

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***A CHILD SACRIFICE CULT WALKING IN PLAIN SITE!!!! *ARTICLE BY JASON CHRISTOFF ....3,000 YEAR HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGICAL BASED FEAR RESPONSE IN THE PUBLIC. Fear as a weapon has always been used by ancient ruling groups, for controlling the public! Nothing scares the human more than death fear and panic. Fear and panic changes human brain chemistry to make a human more compliant and reflexively obedient to Authority. Fear and panic is important for running a human farm, where the cattle do exactly as they're told so the energy of the human cattle can be directed for the goals of the ruling group! The bull cult would purposely Target the children of the strongest parents so real Warriors never grew up in the society to challenge the psychopathic rule of the bull cult! That's just an excerpt of the first of three pages don't miss that article! If you can't find it contact me and I will photograph the one I printed out here and send it to you

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Must read! A CHILD SACRIFICE CULT WALKING IN PLAIN SITE article by Jason c h r i s t o f f

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Magnesium deficiency cause seizures I've read that many times over the past several years. Eating a better diet like romaine lettuce or arugula lettuce get more greens in the diet add every vegetable you can think of even canned black beans that have been rinsed you can put wild caught salmon after you've opened the can drained it in a colander and rinsed the salt off of it do the same with the beans pour the liquid off and rinse the beans. Cut up a ton of fresh onions and garlic on the salad let the dressing bee olive oil and a small amount of vinegar. Look up doctor jockers he is a board certified nutritionist and just start getting more nutrients in the diet it's probably something very simple like dehydration due to lack of mainly magnesium look up high magnesium foods one of them is pumpkin seeds you need magnesium potassium sodium from celery and cucumbers put a pinch of the good salt in your water. Put red peppers on that salad you can put frozen peas on there put anything you want on there but stay away from food try to stay away from food like Breads and pastas and pizza stuff like that they will all dehydrate you get on the Mediterranean diet or something very close to that. Find a functional medicine doctor or a functional medicine nutritionist

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So many people on Substack are doing the Lord's work.

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Thanks for all the info...you are at the top 1% for Informed Consent and Advocate/Guardian plus letting us see how you did it.

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Extremely useful information; sharing it in Notes.

Medical diagnostics is also a nightmare:


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Reminds me of "How to Survive Hospital Costs Without Insurance" at lawfulpath.com which focuses more on the financial exploitation.

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I Need to pledge a support; however, I dislike ANYTHING that has an auto annual renewal, any alternatives? Thank you

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