How do you know when you are making a difference? When you are over the target? …….. When they come after you. Protocol Kills has had its second defamatory article written about the site (truly pathetic writing found here). Along with a Facebook group dedicated to trolling, there is also a website called that does the same. If you do a search of victim organizations by name, the only one they post about is Why is that?
Why have other victims advocate organizations not been targeted or had hit pieces written about them? Possibilities could be they are unknown, controlled, or doing the defamation themselves. Why do these upcoming new “authority” figures try to discredit our approach to the solution instead of helping us get the message out? Because the devil comes disguised as the angel of light. Start researching who you follow. Not a one-time Google search but look at financial records, family history, work history, past political affiliations, past financial ties, and what is their personal connection to the cause. Most importantly listen to what they say and ask if it makes sense. Our motive is clear. The love of money doesn’t drive us. We don’t take money or make money from affiliates, and we cannot be controlled. We don’t have a non-profit registered with the government, so we are not bound by their rules. What we do is free and for the glory of God.
Our information and legal documents empower the people and most importantly they have worked! Desperate attempts to divert the public from this include……..It’s Fauci’s fault, it’s the Remdesivir, it’s the Covid Protocol, it’s the Hospital, it’s the WHO, it’s our politicians. But NONE of these “culprits” could enforce the behaviors that lead to so many deaths except the Doctors. The only person that ordered Remdesivir and gave it to me without my informed consent was the doctor. You’ve even got people out there saying don’t sign anything the hospital gives you, which is horrible advice that could cost you your life. The hospital has to have consent to treat you, or they can send you away if it’s not an immediate, visible life-threatening emergency.
The PREP Act and the CARES Act may incentivize and protect hospitals from liability and doctors from malpractice, but they don’t protect the Doctors from willful and intentional harm and disregard of the patients’ religious beliefs or WRITTEN informed consent. Doctors have honored the Jehovah’s Witnesses religious beliefs to refuse blood products for decades. Now we have a method of document delivery that can prove the hospital has received legal written documentation of a patient’s current consent document.
This terrifies the corrupt medical industry and all their minions. This puts power back in the hands of the people and allows them to make informed decisions about their health and even take action against doctors who deny them this.
Dr. Mary Talley Bowden is one of the most outspoken advocates for not only her patients but all patients who have to face the horrors of hospitals. She understands that we all have choices, even hospital Doctors. To say hospital Doctors had to give the protocol, or they would lose their jobs and not be able to support their families is an insult to all those who were murdered. What is more valuable than life?
Doctor Bowden’s privileges were revoked by Houston Methodist Hospital because she saved lives at her practice. When she fought back, they defamed her, calling her dangerous. Her response was to sue them, because she’s a fighter and her oath is to the patients, not the hospital. She could have remained silent about the matter to avoid the constant harassment and threats against her, her family, and her medical license but she chose to stand up for what is right. Hospital doctors finding another job wouldn’t have had to face any of that.
She understands and knows the significance of the documents on so much so she wrote a Tweet that garnered more than 205,000 views in just 3 days. She even posted a follow-up tweet because so many people were interested in knowing how to empower themselves and be prepared in case of a hospital emergency (tweet here).
Ask yourself……. Do I need better political leadership, or do I need to have the knowledge to keep myself safe? We put complete trust in the person in a white coat and look what happened. We need to stop putting our blind faith in authoritative figures and be accountable for the knowledge of every possible aspect of our lives starting with our health. We need to know more about what we put in our bodies, where it came from, and who has financial interests in it.
We need to be prepared because a Doctor can disregard your right to informed consent with or without Covid. But more recently the National Covid Emergency Declaration was issued very quietly by HHS Secretary two days after Biden ended the emergency by signing HJ Res 7 into law. This means hospitals are still being incentivized to enforce the deadly protocol. But the good news is if you prepare yourself and loved ones with the written documentation like what is on (for free), then Doctors may have to choose if they want to find another job or possibly lose their medical license for blatantly denying the written patient’s current care wishes. "My people perish for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6
Victims rights groups need to form and begin gathering evidence.
This is so true. Every repressive regime has suppressed education (Islam won’t let women and children to be educated) and Christianity because if people discover what is really happening they rise up.